Members of the Family life ministry are made up of qualified and experienced persons 40 years and older, who are selected by the General Overseer or nominated by the nominations committee. FAMILY is the organization of people in relationships (established through conception, adoption, marriage, or another formal designation) joined by love and commitment to one another by the sharing of purpose, resources, and experiences as well as meeting each other’s needs that endures across time and location.
The Family Life Ministry’s primary focus is to disperse the love of God to all as in 1 Cor. 13 and glorify God by bringing the gospel to unreached families in the church by way of counseling and restoring families to their biblical inheritance or blueprint of family life as instituted by God to take territories and fulfill their destiny.
This we hope to achieve by focusing on relationships and needs of married couples, parents, singles, widowed, youth, and all members of the wider family circle in church as they pass through life’s predicamental stages and contend with unexpected changes in their lives during pre-marriage, marriage and after marriage.
As a core objective, the Family Life Department works passionately to restore broken families – by bringing healing to broken families and individuals through the power of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate goal being to be a united and spirit-filled church family. We recognize that families need to be mobilized to be part of fulfilling the great commission to invite other families to church–family evangelism and to proclaim the reviving and restorative message of the everlasting gospel within the context of family living.